Looking to make the most of spring this year, after what’s felt like a lot of doom and gloom? Here are some top tips on how to hack those happy hormones and put a much-needed spring in your step. 

What are happy hormones? 

Endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, are famously happy hormones that promote positive feelings like pleasure, happiness, and even love. They can be boosted with different activities, such as…

happy hormones

Going outside  

+ Serotonin & + Endorphins 

With fewer places to be right now, finding the motivation to get outside can be a little tricky, but it is one of the best things you can do for your health. Just a 20-minute walk outside can make all the difference.  

Walking, particularly in nature, has been proven to help regulate our moods, whilst exercising can release endorphins, helping us feel energized. Walking is also a great way to keep your circadian rhythm in check, ensuring you fall to sleep easier. 

Doing something kind 

+ Serotonin & + Oxytocin 

 Studies have shown that taking time to volunteer, donate money to a good cause, or simply, a random act of kindness can reap multiple health benefits. 

Observing acts of kindness produces oxytocin, which boosts self-esteem and lowers blood pressure, whilst being kind to others can produce serotonin, which can regulate your mood, helping you feel more at peace. 

Ideas for random acts of kindness can be found at randomactsofkindness.org  


+ Endorphins 

They say laughter is the best medicine, and there is some truth to it.  Laughter has been proven to release endorphins (our natural pain reliever), reduce stress, and can even help protect our heart.  

Some ways to bring a little more laughter into your life can include: 

  • Playing with your children 
  • Watching comedy shows 
  • Looking through old photos 
  • Doing something silly 
  • Laughing yoga 


+ Serotonin  

In our busy lives, our minds are often running faster than we can keep up with. Meditation is a proven technique that can help us train attention and awareness and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. 

Meditation can help raise serotonin levels, our natural mood regulator. This can help reduce stress, improve concentration, lower blood pressure, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

Get started with free tools on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZToicYcHIOU  

Listening to music 

+ Dopamine 

It’s no secret that humans enjoy music. Music is processed directly by the amygdala, which is the part of the brain involved in mood and emotions. Listening to music we like releases dopamine, the reward chemical, which can help us feel more motivated. 

Achieving something, even if it’s as simple as making your bed 

+ Dopamine 

Little wins can bring a significant boost to our mood. Even something as simple as making your bed in the morning can release dopamine and give you a sense of achievement that can help you face the rest of your tasks.  

Hugging a friend or family member 

+ Oxytocin This one may be tough for some right now, but if you’re lucky enough to live with a loved one, giving them a big squeeze can be an effective way to boost your oxytocin (the bonding hormone). Oxytocin can help reduce stress, encourage sleep, and help you feel relaxed.