Everyone will answer this question a little differently. Conversations around health in the media tend to focus on weight as a barometer of health. Others may center on being disease or illness-free or list lifestyle choices they deem healthy. This makes ‘healthy’ a tricky word to define.

In 1948 the World Health Organisation defined health as ‘A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ This definition does well to show the different areas of health. Several parts that make a whole, complete picture. 

So, how do we build a holistic picture of health?

To understand our health, we need to look at a myriad of factors. Some of the key components of what makes us healthy are:

  1. How we live our everyday lives

Without a specific illness impacting our health, a lot of the time, when we don’t feel our healthiest, it’s down to a disruption of our lifestyle, i.e.:

  • Diet; we haven’t been eating well or eating enough
  • Exercise; we haven’t been moving as much 
  • Sleep; we’ve disrupted our sleeping patterns or are struggling to sleep
  • Stress management and wellbeing; we’ve taken on too much and not taken time for ourselves

All of these lifestyle factors impact one and other, and when we don’t feel as good as we should, we should examine these areas and see where we can make healthier choices.

  1. How we manage illness, disease, and disorders

A diagnosis of a disease, disorder or illness, doesn’t automatically mean someone is unhealthy. As modern treatments have advanced, many people with chronic conditions or disorders can live everyday lives and can do as many things as people without their illness. Many people with chronic diseases work to live a healthy lifestyle and maintain treatment to help with their condition. Meaning, even though they are diagnosed with an ailment, they may be more ‘healthy’ than some of those without any. Illnesses should always be taken seriously, but they are not always the defining feature of someone’s overall health.

  1. How we monitor our health

Sometimes, to know if your health is in balance and working for you, you need to look at your metrics. Not all illnesses and imbalances come with noticeable symptoms. Therefore, it’s essential to keep track of key stats, such as blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol. More subtle changes to our health can also be spotted when we get to know ourselves better. Taking the time to look, feel and be more aware of your physical and mental health will help you notice when things are off. 

How do you work towards being healthy?


Our bodies are unique. While there are universal practices to keeping healthy, understanding your health requires a little self-reflection. If you want to work on living healthier, one way to get started is to begin journaling. Record the lifestyle choices you made that day, what you ate, how much water you drank, how much sleep you got etc., then alongside these points, write how you feel, both mentally and physically.

You may start to see patterns that could help you make healthier choices for yourself. Or at the least, become more aware of how your choices impact your mood and vitality. Listening to our body, understanding its needs is key to living a healthier life.